Netbeans 6.9.1 / Free Router / J2ME Visual Designer Speedup

Netbeans 6.9.1 is (and also some previous versions are) pretty slow inside the Visual Designer for J2ME projects if you have a lot of components (Forms, Lists, etc).
If you create a snapshot you will see that the problem is the algorithm of the OrthogonalRouter which calculates the connection lines.

For me each click, each scroll, each opening of the MIDlet took more than 30 seconds. Impossible to fast change several GUI elements, so I needed to recompile Netbeans with a different router...
Before I tried to locate the correct package with Agent Ransack. Successfully, but recompiling the decompiled class was an impossible task, since java checks for references. Unfortunately I had to compile Netbeans from source, install Ant, and solve some problems with my Java kits (x64/x86 and paths) installed. Not mentioning how many hours I sepnt before to figure out this problem, with increasing RAM size, using different garbage collectors...

Finally you can also improve the speed of your lovely Netbeans Visual Designer, actually make it look more ugly! Here is what you have todo: